Friday, November 18, 2011

Dancing Through The Decades with Quantum Music

At many weddings there usually comes a point when the disc jockey plays a song and makes an announcement that the bride will now toss her beautiful bouquet.
The disc jockey makes a request for all of the single ladies to make their way to the dance floor. And the spotlight is on. Naturally, some would-be participants are not so willing to be "singled" out of the entire wedding party as one of those poor unmarried souls.  Everyone is paying attention, the photographer stands ready, and suddenly these young ladies have been thrust into the midst of a competition, at what was supposed to have been a nice, elegant evening of dinner, conversation and dancing in their lovely cocktail dresses.

And then it's the gentlemen's turn to chase, dive, jump or even wrestle over the garter, often in a drunken stuper. Sometimes it's even worse.  I've seen weddings where, in a moment that seems to occur in slow motion, the garter slowly floats down to earth after being tossed by the groom because no single man makes any attempt at catching it, preferring to watch it land before simply walking away.
What can a soon-to-be-married couple do to avoid these awkward moments you ask? Well, I have a simple answer that I like to call "The Dance Through The Decades." This is one of options I created over 15 years ago, even before I started Quantum Music Event Planners, as a way to incorporate the Bouquet Toss for those soon to be brides that I was finding...didn't really want to throw the bouquet, single out the girlfriends or thought the whole thing was just kind of cheesy. I know what you're thinking...but yes I did! And no, I never called it the Anniversary Dance! What's that saying, "Immitation is the greatest form of flattery" or something like that, anyway. On with the "original description"...

This dance will encourage participation, evoking the spirit of true support and recognition while creating a sentimental mood of love involving many more of the wedding guests. The Wedding DJ will request all the "Married Couples" to join the bride and groom on the dance floor. Being invited guests at the wedding, most couples will certainly comply. As a result you'll have immediate participation and a show of support for the brand-new couple. As everyone makes their way to the floor, the DJ plays a romantic tune for all to enjoy.

Once the dancing has begun, after a few moments the DJ will make a request: "If there are any couples that have been married for less than one day, they may have a seat." The response may be surprise, but the guests will soon catch on as the newly married couple takes their seats.  After a few moments more of dancing, the DJ will make another announcement: "If there are any couples that have been married five years and less, you may have a seat as well. Thank you for participating."

Now everyone will realize what is happening. Conversation grows as the dance continues, with everyone trying to figure out which couple has been married the longest. The DJ continues as the music plays, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years and so on. In your wedding, as the dance gets closer to highlighting your longest married couple, the DJ should encourage the other wedding guests to applaud each couple as they are eliminated. Having performed this event many times, I have often finished the dance with couples who have been married for over 50 years. Once the longest married couple has been determined and everyone is cheering, the bride and groom present the bouquet and garter to the winning couple. At this point the DJ should acknowledge all participating couples.This event usually only takes a few songs, which is also a bonus. It creates a very special moment, without taking over your wedding.

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